
On September 14, 2010, I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia / Megakaryocytic or AML M7. My prognosis is that I will make a full recovery with no long term side effects. I am so grateful for family, friends and angels that are surrounding me each and every day of this process. I love all of you! I hope you find my posts interesting as I share a little piece of me and some insights along this life changing journey.

Jessie - Age 2

Yeah - I'm pretty special!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Round Six - seven days and counting...

Hi Everyone!!!  It is my last week at the hospital!!  My family is so excited and are literally counting off every day.  I was a little low the past few days on my blood count levels so I received a transfusion and platelets.  This always perks me up - my cheeks get pink and I have a TON of energy.  Amazing what a higher blood count can do for you!  My ANC (absolute neutrophil count) hasn't reached zero yet but I'm getting close!  For those that don't know, this is a very important number.  It determines when I start my next round of chemo and when I get to come home.  My body doesn't follow a typical path for ANC.  After chemo treatments, my ANC goes down and then back up sporadically until I finally reach zero.  I usually stay at zero for about three days and then my monocyte count and ANC starts going back up.  Once the monocyte numbers have gone up for two days in a row - I get to go home.  My parents are thinking it will be next Monday...  Keep your fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Are you home, little Jessie? DId you make it back? I'm so excited that you're mostly done. Medications at home isn't nearly as intrusive as having to stay in the hospital--in bed!--for several days or weeks at a time. Yay! You go girl and your family and friends too :-)


Yep...my parents love me!!

Me and my Daddy

just precious!!

It's okay to bite on this, right??!!

Jessie with her cousin Kyson, playing Doctor :)