
On September 14, 2010, I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia / Megakaryocytic or AML M7. My prognosis is that I will make a full recovery with no long term side effects. I am so grateful for family, friends and angels that are surrounding me each and every day of this process. I love all of you! I hope you find my posts interesting as I share a little piece of me and some insights along this life changing journey.

Jessie - Age 2

Yeah - I'm pretty special!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Special Congratulations to my Daddy!!! He passed his boards and is now officially a Respiratory Therapist. I am sooo proud of him!


  1. Way to go, Jared. That is Dale's dream job. He'll have to talk to you to see if it's really something he'd enjoy.


Yep...my parents love me!!

Me and my Daddy

just precious!!

It's okay to bite on this, right??!!

Jessie with her cousin Kyson, playing Doctor :)