
On September 14, 2010, I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia / Megakaryocytic or AML M7. My prognosis is that I will make a full recovery with no long term side effects. I am so grateful for family, friends and angels that are surrounding me each and every day of this process. I love all of you! I hope you find my posts interesting as I share a little piece of me and some insights along this life changing journey.

Jessie - Age 2

Yeah - I'm pretty special!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My snazzy new haircut!

I am between sessions but had an exciting new update! My hair has gotten pretty thin these days and so my Dad gave me a new haircut. I am posting some new pics to show it off... what do you think?! Mom only teared up a little... :)

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Yep...my parents love me!!

Me and my Daddy

just precious!!

It's okay to bite on this, right??!!

Jessie with her cousin Kyson, playing Doctor :)